5 Assistive Equipment for Disabled Person

Disability is by means not inability. Regardless of what disability one has, there is aid equipment to improve quality of life. Improved equipment changes the attitude and perspective of the user and ordinary person. Some aids equipment appear more realistic to the point of no difference between disabled and those who are not.

There are different types of aids equipment for the disabled; they assist in mobility, communication, seating and body positioning, prosthetics, and sensory aids to name a few. Assistive technology bridges the gap between disability and normalcy. 

Aids equipment improves in technology each time; they can modify the home, vehicle, and office to achieve comfort. 


Wheelchairs work well for independent users, and they vary in different styles and designs. Other types of wheelchair vary from manual, powered, pediatric, sports, positioning, and even Blue-tooth enabled wheelchair that uses assistive technology. Manual wheelchairs use hands to allow movement; the user can move back and forth and pivot. There are handles on the chair’s back for someone behind it to push the user. Manual wheelchairs can be lightweight and foldable for convenience; the heavy-built ones are durable and carry more weight. The downside to manual wheelchairs is exhaustion over long distances, creating health issues.

Powered wheelchairs are electric and battery-powered to move around using hand controls. An Electric wheelchair is an ideal solution to the fatigue brought about by using the manual type. Powered wheelchairs are more independent to use, and the owner can move long distances. These electric wheelchairs have a motor and battery that make the chair heavy, unlike foldable manual wheelchairs. Training on how to use it, maintenance and repair services of the wheelchair are necessary and provided by health centers. Accessories for the wheelchair include armrests, cushions, and trays.  

Contemporary Gadgets

It involves aid devices in gadgets like smartphones and tablets with technology for everyday use that assists people with disabilities. Gadgets designed for disabled people include features for accessibility and cost less than sensory and communication aids. Demand for this technology is high, which speeds up technology development.

An example is Google Glass, a display gadget perfect for handicaps. It translates language in real-time and uses facial recognition software to help partial and fully blind people recognize others and their emotions. Another great gadget for the blind and deaf is the EDGE 40 display. 

Its function is to translate information from a computer to Braille. The user can manage any apps without using a smartphone. Edge 40 has external storage for books and can translate over 13 languages. With a rechargeable battery, this gadget can last 20hrs.


Prosthetics are artificial limbs that replace the missing body part to help the user and function the same way as natural limbs. Artificial limbs require individual fitting for the right match. The health service does the whole process and offers training and repair services. An example of a prosthetic is the DEKA bionic arm for amputation of the upper limb. This funded project created a prosthetic arm that uses muscles and neurons as stimuli for activation. It is lightweight and moves realistically; there is room for customizing the size and choice of stimuli to match the user’s needs. 

Prosthetics retain the body’s functionality, and the user can be as active as possible.   

Aids Technology

It involves improved technology of aids equipment. An example is a helmet for blind people called Meta. This helmet looks similar to cyclists’ ones; it has cameras and sensors to map out the user’s environment. AI technology processes this information and communicates it to the person by speech. The blind person can cross the street and safely manage in an unfamiliar environment. Another example is the cognitive hearing aid that uses AI to focus on the listener and lowers other noise.  

Service Dogs

Dogs are a man’s best friend and are better when trained to match your circumstance. They offer companionship and lower dependence on others, but they are still dogs and need grooming, exercise, feeding, and a trip to the vet.

There are different types of assistance dogs depending on the disability. Guide dogs for blind people get training to specific tasks depending on the user’s needs. Dogs for deaf people also receive training to alert their owners on sounds like smoke alarms, a crying baby, and more.

Other service dogs identify the scent of harmful and allergic substances to the user, while some assist in mental health by detecting physical signs of a panic attack or anxiety. Owners of assistance dogs should be able to care for their dogs. 

In Conclusion

Technology continually improves to satisfy current needs. You can perform daily tasks with help from these types of equipment. Disabled achieve greatness to the point of reaching mountain summits and winning medals in the Olympics. All this is made possible by assistive equipment that goes a long way. They bridged the gap and reduced limitations to restore a balanced life for the aids users. Equipment designed expressively and for aesthetic purposes also boosts the user’s morale.  

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