How to Make Homemade Crème Brûlée

Classic desserts are so underrated! In today’s social media it is very often about coming up with new ideas on pastries and I love that but sometimes it is nice to go back to classic pastries and desserts. A real favorite among the classics is the Crème brûlée which originated in France. It is so good in all its simplicity. The French really know how to impress!

This dessert consists of the basic ingredients sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla and cream. It is made in batches and is simply an airy, light and creamy vanilla cream topped with a crunchy sugar surface. You just have to try!

The recipe gives 4 large portions or 8 small portions.


1 vanilla bar

5 dl whipped cream

1.5 dl milk, 3% fat

7 egg yolks

1.5 dl powdered sugar

0.5 dl cane sugar sprinkled

Do this:

Set the oven to 150 degrees (upper and lower heat).
Divide the vanilla bar lengthwise and scrape out the seeds.
Put vanilla seeds, vanilla bar, whipped cream and milk in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then remove the saucepan from the heat.
Whisk together egg yolks and powdered sugar by hand in a bowl until smooth.
Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan with milk and cream while stirring constantly. Let the mixture soak for 10 minutes.
Place your portion molds in a deep oven plate and pour the Crème brûlée batter into them.
Fill the oven mold with water so that the water is as deep as the molds filled with Crème brûlée batter.
Bake the Crème brûlée in the middle of the oven for 40-50 minutes or until the Crème brûlée becomes stable.
Allow the molds to cool completely in the refrigerator before serving. You can prepare them a few days before and store them in the refrigerator.
When serving, sprinkle cane sugar on top and burn it until you get a lovely golden and caramelized surface.

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