Top Tips for Sustainable Coffee

Besides buying conscious coffee without a slight aftertaste, you can do a lot of yourself for this world as well.

That’s why we’ve made a list of great sustainable coffee tips.

Use the multi-purpose filter for your coffee maker – there are several different variants.

Only brew as much coffee as you drink

Pour the coffee into a thermos when it is freshly brewed, so you don’t have to brew new all the time.

Enjoy your coffee – it has gone a long way.

Pour some coffee at a time. Do not pour a large cup of coffee and think you will have time to drink it before it has become cold. Better to pour up a little at a time and drink up between everything just should.

Use your consumer power when shopping for coffee – buy coffee that takes social and sustainable responsibility. Find the brand that you feel fits best with your values ​​about this world and how we should take care of it.

It’s good to have a coffee on the go but skip the disposable cups. Bring your own cup with a lid instead. I myself have a nice cup made of organic bamboo.
Don’t overdose, it makes the coffee bitter. If you want stronger coffee – choose a dark roasted variant instead.
Store the coffee dry (not in the refrigerator), dark and in a jar that can be closed, such as a glass jar with a rubber ring. Then the taste lasts longer!

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